
Saturday, April 27, 2013

Claywork (and one more bag =) )

I made a tiny envelope bag too, before I moved over to the clay, again =)
Det blidde en pytte-kuvert-väska också innan jag gick över till leran igen =)

Here are all my bags so far, don't know what I'll make of them, but maybe I'll have them in my house (when I get it from my old room at my mums =) I guess my pregnant lady, who I think will live in that house, likes purses =) )
Alla mina väskor jag gjort hittills, jag vet inte riktigt vad jag ska göra med dem, men jag tror de får bo i mitt hus sedan när jag hämtat hem det från mitt gamla rum hos min mamma. Jag tror min gravida docka, som förmodligen ska flytta in i det huset, gillar väskor =)

Now to the clay. I felt like doing some food of clay lately, but never got the time, but yesterday I manage to make some, among others a pie and I still got time to make a pie for dinner too =)
But first I made some pancakes. First they looked really ugly =) But when I was going to start over I realized I could roll some of the pancakes and that came out better than the flat one, and then I come up with a new technique, which made it a lot better I think. so I manage to make two flat pancakes too =)
Nu till leran. Jag har känt för att göra lite mat av lerasistone, men hade aldrig tid, men igår lyckades jag göra lite, bland annat en paj av lera men också en riktig till middagen. =)
Men först gjorde jag några pannkakor. Först såg de riktigt fula ut =) Men när jag skulle börja om insåg jag att jag kunde rulla några av dem. Och sen kom jag på en ny teknik så jag lyckades göra två platta pannkakor med =)
Hope you can see which one is the good one, and which 2 is bad... I liked the one at the bottom, and didn't like the first two..
Hoppas ni ser vilka som är de dåliga pannkakorna och vilken som är bra... Jag gillar den längst ner och inte det två första..

Did one more and rolled the first two and added some "cream" and "jam". I still haven't got the hang of that liquid clay, I cant get a good colour at it. I don't have oil-paint, I think its scary to put oil-paint in the oven.. can you really do that?! anyway I took some red clay and had some liquid fimo over it. I also noticed that the liquid clay disappears if you leave it to long before baking.. where does it go?? into the regular fimo?! As you can hear, I have no clue when it comes to liquid clay!
Jag gjorde ännu en och rullade ihop de första och la till lite "sylt" och "grädde". Jag fattar fortfarande inte riktigt hur man ska göra med den flytande fimon. Jag får inte till färgen på den, men jag har ingen oljefärg, men jag tycker det verkar läskigt att stoppa oljefärg i ugnen, kan man verkligen göra det??
Sylten är är iaf gjord med vanlig röd lera med flytande fimo ovanpå.
Jag märkte även hur den flytande fimon försvinner om man väntar för länge med att baka det. Var tar den vägen? smälter den in i vanliga fimon eller? ja, som ni hör så har jag många frågetecken kring den flytande leran!

After baking (the liquid clay seem to have "shrunk" a bit).
Efter bakning i ugn (den flytande leran ser ut att ha krymp och försvunnit lite).

And with some strawberry's from a cane from Angie Scarr, I never manage to make strawberry's myself, I will try again, but I always fail...
Och med några jordgubbar från en av Angie Scarrs stavar, den staven jag aldrig lyckas med själv...

A real Swedish pancake and my miniature =)
En riktig pannkaka och min miniatyr =)

I used this cap from a bottle to make a pie. First you have to remove the plastic "cover", then its possible to bake the whole pie in the tin in the oven.
En kapsyl fick bli pajform, men först får man ta ut plast-delen i botten, så kan man baka hela pajen i formen i ugnen sen.
I "cheated" by putting some aluminium foil in the bottom, that way I didn't have to fill the whole tin. I powder the pie pastry with some colour from a pen (have no idea what this colour pencils is named in English) I made some broccoli and mushrooms and added cheese from coloured translucent clay. I cant get it right with the liquid clay yet.. So I tried the regular clay. 
Jag fuskade och använde aluminiumfolie i botten, så slipper man fylla hela formen med lera. "degen" pudrade jag med färg från en pastellpenna. Och gjorde broccoli och svampar av lera och använde vanlig translucent fimo till osten. Jag får inte till den flytande fimon, så det blev vanlig lera istället.

I also did the same with one of my pizzas.
The colour of the cheese is a bit off I think... 
Jag fick inte riktigt till färgen på osten tycker jag...

The big pie (my dinner last night) and the small one.. The big one looks a bit burned.. ;) But it was tasty =)
Maybe I will try recolouring the small one, a bit more dark brown...
En stor paj (vår middag igår) och en liten av lera.. Den stora ser lite bränd ut, men den smakade gott =) Kanske kan jag försöka få till en bättre färg på osten på den lilla pajen sen...

The pizza on the left has cheese of translucent regular fimo and the one at the right is liquid fimo. No one looks right... I have to learn more about the liquid clay and how to colour it.
Den vänstra pizzan har ost av vanlig translucent fimo och den till höger har flytande fimo. Ingen ser riktigt bra ut, men jag får öva och försöka få till bättre färger på den flytande leran..

I like pie, so I decides to make a blueberry-pie too =) My favourite I think. This is made in a "ischoklad form" A Swedish chocolate has a cover that looks like a pie tin if you cut it down a little.
Eftersom jag gillar paj så gjorde jag en blåbärspaj med =) Min favorit tror jag. Jag använde en ischoklad form till pajform. Jag klippte bara ner den lite.
I'm a big cheater when it comes to clay =) once again I used aluminium foil in the bottom and covered it with a layer of blueberry colour, then I made the small blueberries, one by one... I guess this is big American blueberries, the Swedish once are normally a bit smaller.. but its hard to do several small balls of blueberries...
Jag är en riktig fuskare när det kommer till lera =) Och tog som med förra pajen en bit aluminiumfolie underst och sedan ett lager "blåbärsfärg" innan jag la på små blåbär, rullade en och en. Det tar sin tid.. Så det blev nog stora Amerikanska blåbär och inte så små svenska..
I added some liquid fimo on top.
Flytande fimo på toppen.

This became a long post =) But I like to write so I just keep on writing.. ;)
Thank you for showing an intresset in my blog and hope you enjoyed the pictures =)
Have a nice weekend!
Det blev lite långt, men jag gillar att skriva så det går av bara farten ;)
Tack för att du har läst och hoppas du gillade bilderna =)
Ha en bra helg!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

I won! again =)

Had a bit of a bad day and doubted everything I did today.. but I have to emit the purse I was a bit sad over, it looks better on picture, and it wasn't a total disaster, its quite cute.. ;) But, anyway I had one of my bad days, I have them all the time.. but I guess that's how it is when you create stuff, sometime its great and goes so smooth and well, and the other day you just fail or cant really get it right.. (that's how it is for me anyway).
But last time I had a bad day, I won Annes giveaway, and today I won Liduinas giveaway. I really should have more bad days ;)

But now I have to go to sleep.
But I will just ask one thing first =) I'm thinking of giving my doll some "real" hair, do you think it will be possible? I will have to cover the pained hair she got..
Not that she isn't cute as she is now, its just it would be fun to make her a little bit more unique =)

Finishing the bag

I finished my bag from yesterday today. But I'm not really satisfied with the result. I don't know what's wrong, but something ain't right!
How ever, I'll keep going from where I left you yesterday =)

I did the attachment to the handle yesterday. A ring, a bead and some leather.

I decided to have a red pocket on the front. And I wanted it to be checked. So I tried to cut of the first layer of the leather and paint it with a pen, it got very dark black. And if I just painted on top of the leather it got a more faded colour. I decided to go with the easy way and just paint on top of it, and I liked the faded colour better.

I picked out a brown yarn to cover the sides and another one to simulate a zipper.

I attached the pocket and glued yarn at the sides. 
Both the pocket and the bag itself can be opened and you can put things in it =)

I attached the handle after I've glued some yarn at the sides of the handle too.

I added a decorated tread of some kind at the middle of the handle.

And of course my pregnant lady got to try the purse. She is very kind and never says anything bad about the things I've done, I'm worse and very hard on myself and I didn't got totally satisfied with this as I said, maybe its the design.. I might just don't like round purses =) But it took me awhile (quite a long while) to make it, maybe I can have it in the back somewhere ;)

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

More bags

I thought I was going to do some clay-work today. But I ended up doing more bags =)
I got stared with this one last week, but did the finishing touches today. 
This bag can't be opened. I glued the sides together with a piece of aluminium foil at the middle, to make a rounder shape. And took some jewellery parts, the rings, and made a handle in the same leather as the purse.
I added a bead and its finished =)
My doll got to try it out =)

These are the two purses I've made so far:

And I started making another one to =) A round one.
I cut out 2 round shapes ( I used my glue stick as a template)
I made a round flat ball of aluminium foil to support the sides while the glue dried. And glued a oblong piece of leather around the bottom. (a bit too thick, I should have done it a bit thinner, but you learn from your mistakes, so now I know =) )
I cut a hole, a slit (?), at the side/top (I should have done this before I glued the sides on the bottom, but its possible to do it after too)
I glued the other circle on top of the sides and after the glue had dried I removed the "ball" of aluminium through the hole.
This is how far I got today, I will keep working on this one and ad some yarn or something at the sides and ad a handle. I have all ready glued rings on the sides to attach the handle (as you can see).

To be continued....

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Some cakes

I just wanted to show you some old cakes and glazed doughnuts. The big whit lump is supposed to be a cake, I haven't had time to decorate it yet. All is made in fimo and I made the "cream" by mixing fimo with water.
I made these a couple of years ago, I like doing cakes and maybe I can make a bakery or something like that one day =)
Lite gamla tårtor och glaserade munkar som jag gjorde för några år sedan. Den vita klumpen ska föreställa en tårta, som jag inte hunnit dekorera ännu. Allt är gjort i fimolera, och "grädden" är gjord av fimo blandad med vatten.

This last cake is inspired by Elin. I have shown this before, but the picture wasn't that good, so I took some new pictures and showed them at a forum on Facebook and thought I could post them here as well =)
Den sista tårta är inspirerad av Elin (se länk ovan) och har visats på min blogg förut, men det var lite dålig skärpa på korten så när jag ändå tog nya för att visa på ett forum på FB så la jag in dem här med =)

And after all this sweet stuff I have to show some food too ;) I know, food should be before the sweets.. but in the world of clay, I think you can do what ever you like.. ;)
Efter alla dessa sötsaker vill jag visa lite mat med, jag vet, fel ordning, mat före godsakerna.. Men i "ler-världen" kan man ju göra som man vill =)

Some tacos I made in 2005 or so =)
Lite tacos som jag gjorde typ år 2005 eller så =)

A new week is starting tomorrow, I wonder what to do next, maybe some more purses or/and some pie and other things in clay (I got a bit of  a clay-abstinence)
Vi får se vad jag hittar på nästa vecka, kanske blir det mer väskor och/eller lite paj och annat i lera då jag har lite ler-abstinens =)

Friday, April 19, 2013

Matta o möbler/ Carpet and furniture

Jag köpte dessa möbler för flera år sedan med tanken att jag skulle måla om dem och byta ut dynorna. Men så ser jag att de passar väl ganska perfekt till min matta?! Jag som inte gillade färgen på dessa kanske måste omvärdera dem?!
Jag kanske får bygga en miljö enbart för dessa, för i nått av mina hus passar de inte in...
I bought these furniture for several years ago with the idea that I would repaint them and replace the seats. But now I see that they fit pretty well in with my carpet?! I did not like the colour of these, but maybe I need to rethink this?!
Maybe I can build a roombox exclusively for them, because they dont fit in any of my plans for my houses...

Som ni ser är det inte mycket kvar på mattan nu =) Det är så kul att det närmar sig slutet =)Nästa gång ni ser den hoppas jag att den är färdig.
Vad tror ni om möblerna? Ska jag måla om dem eller ej? Byta ut dynorna eller ej?

As you can see there is not much left to do on the carpet now =) It's so fun that it is almost done now =) Next time you see it, I hope it is finished.
What do you think about the furniture? Should I repaint them? and should I replace the seats?

Thursday, April 18, 2013


Today I wanted to make a purse after I saw this post by Casey:
I just used a regular cardboard. And made a shape I thought would be nice for a purse, and stuffed it with toiletpaper =)
Then I glued the fabric on the sides. The fabric is a piece of blue fake-suede I got from my husbands aunt =) I got quit a lot of this fabric and I love it and made a sofa with it before. I have some small parts of it too and thought it would be perfect for a purse.

I have tried to make purses before, but only the kind you could open, and that's a quit hard job to make a purse that you can open and put things into, when its that small its hard to sew, and glue makes it a bit clumsy I think, but this can't be open, that made it a whole lot easier =) I didn't sew a thing and just used glue on this one.
I made a handle from a bit of leather that I got from my mother-in-law (isn't it great to have lovely people that give you stuff to use for your crafts! =) )

All done, or?? My pregnant lady (she needs a name now, I cant keep calling her the pregnant lady all the times...) got to try the bag, and she said it needed some details..
so back to work..
I added some leather-details and a bead (you can see the bead on the next picture)
An now my doll thought the bag was so handsome that she fell backwards in surprise.. ;)

Here is a picture of the doll and the purse beside the bag with leather and felt pieces that I got from my mother-in-law. There are lots of purses, shoes and sofas in here.. ;)

I started making a suitcase today too =) But I will show you that one another day, because Im not finished yet. I saw the trunks Felma wrote about here: and got inspired to make one of my own =) But this one is more of a suitcase than a trunk, I might do a trunk later.