I haven't felt like doing any miniatures for years now =( I know I get periods in life without any minis, but I kind of miss it, but just don't feel like catching up.. It's like it has become something I have to do, not something I want to do. I feel like I should do something, and that I really should post here.. and keep in touch. But I haven't. Sorry for that.
But when I got a baby-sister I felt like doing a roombox for her baptism, just like I did for my youngest brother six years ago. I'm a very big sister, I have kids of my own (that haven't got any roomboxes.. oops) but my oldest daughter, 7 years old now (!) have been asking me to pick up miniatures again. So here we go.
The "roombox" is something from Ikea, Variera. I don't know what it really is =) something for the kitchen.. but I immediately saw a very cool room, wider in front and a bit more narrow in the back.
Off course I wont add the extra handle, I'll just skip that, and put up some wallpaper on the back to hide the screw holes.
https://www.ikea.com/se/sv/catalog/products/90226052/ |
I realized it was quite deep, and it might become a bit dark (I haven't got the hang of lights, yet, and didn't have time to fix light in this roombox) But I thought it would be nice to have an extra wall, with a hidden room in the back, so I made a new wall (from thicker cardboard) and glued wallpaper on the walls. Made splines from regular white paper.
I thought an open door would be nice, but that was too hard for me to build right now, so I made it easy, just an open door frame.
I placed a wooden pram in the "back room". With a little plastic doll. And some small shoes at the floor.
I placed a glow-in-the-dark-star at the wall.
I made a simple shelf. I knew I wanted a special "bapthism-candle",
like the candle at least we here in Sweden get at a baptism. I made a
poster with her name and the date. To place at the shelf.
I placed some toys in the shelf too. The pop-up toy is a miniature from a toy my first born got from my
father and his wife when she was new born. The sheep feels a bit like my signature toy, a favourite to make =)
The teddy bear is made from a pipecleaner. I made one just like the one I made for my brothers roombox six years ago.
And the baby-figure is also very similar to the babyfirgure in the roombox I made for my brother. (so they will match :) )
The jigsaw puzzle is made of paper, I cut out one piece and placed at the floor.
The candle is in place, with a poster and a white angel.
The little train on the shelf is a bead.
The dollhouse is made of cardboard.
When I was done my husband helped glue a translucent plastic "paper"
over it all, to keep away from dust. (maybe it will keep little fingers
from trying to move around all the glued pieces too :) )
When the glue had dried I just cut of the rest of the "paper", to make it fit the roombox.
All done.
And there you have it, my first attempt at miniatures, for a long while.
Merry Christmas
Best wishes