
Tuesday, July 22, 2014

New book: Miniaturemøbler i skandinavisk stil

From one book to another =) I love books, miniature books like the one I bought from Birgit, and books about miniatures =)
I have been looking for a Danish book about miniature furniture for quite awhile now, first I thought it was a bit too expensive and I was saving up for it, and then, they stopped selling it at one place after another. I have been "watching" it on adlibris for several month, maybe over a year. But it's sold out at the publisher. But with help from Birgitta I manage to find and buy the last one at WilliamDam Denmark. More expensive than I first thought.. but now I finally got it =)
There are great pictures of lovely furniture. And templates and step to step on all the furniture, a great book! I'm so happy to have it!
Miniaturemøbler i skandinavisk stil - Susanne Botfeldt
 I recently discovered that I like "allmoge möbler". I would love an "allmoge" corner cupboard (Life size). But I have no room for it, and they cost a lot, so I thought I could make one in miniature, but looking at the instructions in this book I thought it was a bit too hard for me. I have to try something easier first, maybe I'll be able to make a cupboard in a few years.. But then I have to become a great painter until then too ;) (Maybe I'll just save up some money and buy one, like Anne Collins lovely cupboards: and
Until then I remembered a cupboard lying in my "fix or repaint-box" And I started sanding it and paint it. But in this heat I don't feel like doing anything else than relaxing in the sun.. I have been sewing a bit on a rya/ loop pile carpet, fun, but it took much more time than I thought it would =) I'll show pictures later =)
Take care


  1. Sin duda es un libro estupendo del que sacarás muchas y buenas ideas, una compra estupenda. Espero impaciente para ver tu bordado.

    1. Thank you Isabel. I'll work more on my carpet right now =)

  2. keep going Hannah, make it out of cardboard if you must but keep trying you'll get there I have faith in you :)


    1. Thank you Marisa! I might try cardboard, its hard to work with wood without a proper workspace, I don't want dust all over the apartment =)

  3. Great that you finally got the book you wanted. And "allmoge möbler" is quite a fascinating style, here in Germany we call this "Bauernmalerei" (Bauer = farmer / Malerei = painting) and it's especially common in the South of Germany, but even here in the North old farms had things like this.


    1. Yes I heard that there is a similar style in Germany too, I have to google "Bauernmalerei" to see more, thank you! =) Here this style is common in the middle Sweden, Dalarna, where some of my family is from, so I get more and more interested in it, feels a bit like family history =)

  4. Wonderful that you finally have got this book :D! I've always had a big admiration for this technique of painting. Here in The Netherlands there are still regions, where people do paint their furniture and utensils with this technique, but unfortunately it will be gone in a couple of years.
    At the moment here in The Netherlands is a heat wave. I hope you still enjoy your summer, Hannah :)
    Hugs, Ilona

    1. I hope this type of furniture will keep being made... here and in the Netherlands.
      There is a heat wave here too, and I love it =) 30ºC every day, just like I like it =) I started to think I was living in the wrong country, but finally =) But everyone isn't as happy as I am.. but I'm enjoying it while it last, soon there is 10ºC and I'll go around freezing like I always do, but then I can stay inside to make more miniatures =)

  5. It would be really nice if you could do something like that in miniature!!! The real thing looks like very intricate work but if you just try in the simplest ways first, maybe with cardboard and then try with something a bit better like light wood, I'm sure you will come up with something to make it. But surely you need to start and try....don't be might even surprise yourself with the results!! Hugs!

    1. Thank you Simona. I just need to figure out were to work with wood, it gets all dusty and I need more tools, but I'd love to try some day =)

  6. Me alegro que hayas conseguido el libro. Parece buena idea disfrutar del sol y el buen tiempo.

    1. Thank you Isabel! I'll keep enjoying the sun =)

  7. The book looks fun. You should try making the cabinet. Just take it one step at a time. Because when you get it done you are going to be so proud and excited. Go for it!
    Enjoy the weather!

    1. Thank you Caroline! I have only tried working with wood one or two times, it's harder than clay and wool, and I could really use a proper workspace for that.. I'll have to figure something out, and take it slow and try, there was some angles in the book that looked impossible for me, but I'll never know if I never try it..

  8. It looks to be a fantastic resource! I know you will get good use out of it at some point.. miniatures is one long journey... so no rush!

    The heat wave is surrounding a lot of all over this globe, good time to plan miniatures, look through things and get ideas..the work will come when it gets cooler :P


    1. Thanks Jane! You are very wise =) I might let the ideas and woodwork rest in my mind and maybe I start making lots of furniture in a year or so =) And I enjoy the heat and plan for things to do when it gets cooler =)

  9. I'm so glad you finally got the book you'd been wanting. Maybe you'll use it for some winter projects. ;-) Keep cool! xo Jennifer

    1. Thanks Jennifer! The bad thing is that there are lots of books out there that I want, I can't seem to get enough... ;) But I'm so glad I got a hold on this one =)

  10. From the cover it seems there are good projects, I am very happy for you!

    1. Thank you Mely! There are some great projects in it, it's a very nice book.

  11. The book cover shows some great furniture. It looks like a great book for inspiration and projects. Don't be scared to have a go at what you like. You don't know if you can do it unless you try and by trying your learn how to do it. Maybe you don't succeed on your first attempt but perhaps on your second. I hope we get to see what you make from it.

    1. Thank you, I hope to try something easy first and then try more and more furniture =) If I can find a good working place.. But I might try cardboard before I try wood =)


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