
Wednesday, May 14, 2014

A quick update on the dragon-making

Just a quick post today about my first dragons. I tried some clay I got from Jane, and I bet her magic clay hands left some magic on this wonderful clay, and after an hour I had made my first dragon. =) I also made an hatched egg, with a tiny dragon looking out on the world. That one could have been done a little (a lot) better, but its my first dragon egg, ever.. so I hope I'll be better with time.
I realized I have now done 2 dragon heads, but no body... I have to try a body next time ;) But I tried making another dragon, (with a body) with "my" clay, and it did not turn out well at all...So I will keep working on that one, or maybe "recycle" it into something else.. (Haven't baked it yet)
Maybe it's my beginners luck, I always manage to do one new thing, that I'm quite proud of, and then, when I think I have practised and learn something and will be even better next time, then I fail... Maybe it's just that I didn't use the clay I got from Jane, it might be something magical over that clay.. I'll have to try more of the clay I got from her instead ;)

Anyway, here are my dragons:
 She looks a bit mad, but she is just scared I'll take her baby away, otherwise she is a real nice dragon ;)

I thought this dragon could hide her body under the water surface, or in a box or something, I wanted to try a head first, and then I got scared I would ruin her by making her a body, so she is bodyless..

I hope to get more time for clay this week. I have had a needlefelting break for a while now, but I made an owl today (sorry, no picture of that right now..) But I might try to work more with clay for a while and let my needles rest a bit longer. I worked so hard for the miniature show, so now I want a rest from wool for awhile =) But I will be back with felted animals before you know it =)

A group shot. I think all my dragons are getting along well now =) My table is glad to see some company, waiting for a home =)
Table is made by me, brown/golden dragon and dragonegg also made by me, and the incwell, red, green, purpel and golden dragon is made by Jane.
Last but not least a warm welcome to my newest followers:
David Edwards Miniatures
Contrastes - Rosa Mª
Dave Williams 
Ketsia Elie
Meritan nukkis (cant find your blog right now, just leave a comment and I'll update this list)

Thank you all for following my blog, I'm so happy to say that there are 101 followers to this blog with Google friend connect now. I feel so lucky that people take an interest in my work! Thank you all =)
Take care


  1. Hi Hannah!
    I love the dragons so far. They both have so much personality and I like your choice of clay color. Glad they are all getting along. ;-)

    1. Thank you Lisa! Jane sent so many great dragon-colours of clay =) I thought this was perfect dragon-colour, shiny and metallic =) But I hope to try some other colours later, but I don't know how many dragons I should have, but when I get started I sometimes have a hard time to stop.. Like my felted animals, I can make lots of them, even when I have no place to put them.. =) But I found a big wooden box I can fill with dragons =)

  2. Oh FANTASTIC!!! you did a awesome job, great detail on the face and I love your color!

    Oh I do see a lot of magic and fantasy to be created over here!

    1. Thanks Jane!! Nice to hear that from an expert like you =)

  3. Hi Hannah, everytime I see your dragons my inner fantasy nerd comes out... Game of Thrones! ;p As a kid I loved the story of Saint George and the dragon, that was one badass dragon. Hug AM

    1. Thank you AM! I have actually never seen Game of Thrones, (But I've heard of it =) ) I used to see a LOT of TV-series and moves before I got a child, but now, I don't even see half as much.. But I get to do many more miniatures when I don't look as much on TV ;) But TV-series can be a great inspiration for a miniature scene, I realized I liked dragons looking at Merlin =)

  4. Hola Hannah!! Creo que a pesar de ser el primero, has hecho un buen trabajo de moldeado. Me gusta como ha quedado tu dragón

  5. Hi Hannah, You've done a beautiful job on your dragons, magic clay or not. However, that wouldn't surprise me in the least if Jane had sent you some magic clay--she is so generous that it would be very much in character. :-) All of your darling dragons and your magical tree table look fantastic together. Looks like you're having a lot of fun with the clay--enjoy! xo Jennifer

    1. Thank you Jennifer! I got a tool for the clay from Jane too, and I really like it, it's like a magic wand, great for sculpting.

  6. Your dragons look fantastic - not like a first attempt at all. In my opinion you should leave the big dragon head as it is... Once you're building your magical home you'll find ways to use it this way - peeping out of a corner, coming out of a magical well or even hanging on a plague... - Congrats on cracking the 100 follower's landmark!


    1. Thank you Birgit! It's my first dragon attempt, but I have been a clay-lover since I was 3 years old, but I'm still an amateur and I only work with clay now and then, but I hope to learn and get better at it!
      Your examples for the dragon head is great, thank you! A magic well sounds very interesting, I might have to think about that! Thank you!

  7. Hannah, I'm so glad to read this blog. You dragon project is really cool. I always admire people who can create things with clay.

  8. Love these dragons, Hannah, I can't believe it is your first attempt ;)! Fantastic work!
    I think you can do a lot with a dragon without a body, see Birgit's comment :D!
    Congratulations on having 100+ followers!
    Hugs, Ilona

    1. Thank you Ilona! I had Jane's fantastic dragons to look at, I think that helped a lot =)

  9. I love your dragons. The baby dragon is so cute and Mom has a very expressive face. Fantastic work.
    Hugs Maria

  10. I love your dragon head and I think the tree table is just fabulous. I look forward to seeing more of this fantasy project - such fun.

    1. Thank you! I have collected a few things over the years for this project, but I never really got started, but I hope to do that now =)

  11. Me han gustado mucho tus dragones!!! Creo que para ser tu primer intento con ellos,el resultado es muy satisfactorio!!!!!!


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