
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

My Google troubles....

I'll just start talking(writing) about how google messed up my day, so if you aren't interested in accounts and google, just skip reading this first text, and jump straight on to the minis, after all this text... ;)

So, I got an new email awhile ago and thought it would be easy just changing the mail on things like blogger.. If I ever knew how much trouble it would get me... I wonder if I ever had made the new account in the first place...
First of all, the transferring thing between mails in gmail didn't work.. So I gave up that and thought I might save the old address just to have access to older mail... So I started sending my new email to people and changing it on different sites, and then to blogger...
I could not get it to work so I gave up, but then I tried again yesterday, using different browsers and finally!! So now both Hannah and Hannahsminiatyrer writes on this blog ;) (Yes, that's both me)
But then I got new troubles.. First of all my new mail got a google+ account, I have no clue how it works and just let it be... but then my blog told me they would come together, as one.. so all a sudden one could only comment with google+ on my blog and my full name were shown every were.. I was so not pleased with this, but now I got a blogger profile instead of the google+ profile they just made for me..
Then I realized all blogs I follow through google friend conect are done with my other email.. so looking at my new profile I follow 0 blogs... Google is driving me MAD!!!!!
I dont know if I have to add myself as a new follower with google friend connect, once more on all blogs I follow... I'm just sick and tired of google right now... (and when I was going to look at youtube, the stupid "google+ thing" came up and change stuff I have no clue about..) And I couldn't add myself as a follower on a new blog I found today, but I tried another one, and that one worked, only it didn't use my blogger account, it used my full name again.. I have no clue what's wrong and right now I give up, again!
Sorry for this long text about stuff that can't interest anyone.. but I just had to get it out of my system ;)
Now to the minis!

And now you are all saying, wait a minute, haven't I seen that cat before?! And yes you have, like several times.. ;) But I change the nose.. again... =) Third times a charm, right?! =) I think I'm done with the black cat now. I did gave him another nose first, but it looked terrible, and I thought I've completely ruined him, but I manage to fix it =) I could work on one piece for a life time.. improve things and I bet I could ruin them and then improve them again and again... so some times you just have to step back and let something be finished =) So here is me, stepping back... =)

You know the poodle I was working on?! She gave me a hard time.. I liked her better without a face.. I have change the eyes 3 times now, but I finally found out the best eyes for her, eyes made of fimo and paint. Now I just have to fix the "hair" and ears.
She is a bit of a mess at this point, but she is being more and more cooperative ;)

My mini house from the last post is still not done.. I always have a hard time finishing things, I always leave them nearly finished... But I'm really thinking of finishing the mini house in a near future! =)
And I still have a cold, but I'm better, but now my daughter starts coughing, but she is quite happy anyway =) 
Thank you for reading and take care and stay healthy =)


  1. Your poodle is adorable!!! I love love love her :)

    I have the same problem with Google. It has happened many times and I don't know how to fix it. It usually take a day or so to go back to normal but it's really frustrating when that happens!!!

    1. Thank you Jane! Glad you like her even do she isn't finished yet, hope I don't ruin her with the finishing touches ;)

      It's great to know I'm not the only one getting frustrated with Google!!

    2. Hi Hannah and Jane Cherie, I noticed a long time ago that I must NEVER check the box that says "Stay logged in" when I log in to my gmail account. If I check that box, all hell breaks loose! ;-) I also avoid Google+ like the plague. I was one of the first users, and after trying it for a few months, I deleted everything to do with Google+. I don't need to see everything twice. I'll just read the blogs I love, thank you very much! :-D So sorry you've been having problems. I was experiencing something strange the last couple of days too. Hope it gets better soon for everyone! xo Jennifer

    3. Hi Jennifer. Thank you for your tips! Have you deleted Google+ completely? I wonder if I have to keep it to be able to follow more blogs with google friend connect.. Isn't there some silly rule that you can only follow 300 blogs?? But with google+ you can follow as many as you like?

    4. Hi Hannah, You can follow as many blogs as you like with Bloglovin'. That's what I do. And you can follow as many as you want with Google Friend Connect. Blogger just won't show you all of the blogs you're following in your Blogger feed. That's the 300 limit. I follow more than 1000 blogs with Google Friend Connect, but I can't use my Blogger feed to see them all. For that, I use Bloglovin'. And yes, I did delete Google+ altogether, and what a happy day that was! ;-) xo Jennifer

    5. Hi again Jennifer and a big Thank you for helping and answer all my questions! =)
      I have started using Bloglovin' and I follow blogs through my blog list on my own blog too. (I'm not sure if the blog feed and the blog list is the same thing? Hope not, but then I'll always have bloglovin' to help me keep updated) I thought the limit was for Google friend connect, but now that I hear that is not so, I'm going to delete Google + all together right now =)
      Again, a big Thank you!!

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi, your oodle is so cute! Love her...I might be coming to Stockholm miniature show, so maybe we meet there with this adorable doggy!
    Hope to see you there..

    1. Thanks Kikka! I really hope you will be able to make it to the miniature show in Stockholm, make sure to stop at my table to say hello =)

  3. Sorry to hear about your google problems, I feel with you - I can hardly understand why things always have to get complicated like this... Keep cool and carry on.... as well with your poodle... but not with the finished (!) black cat... ;O)


    1. Thanks Birgit! I'll try to stay away from all finished things and finish the unfinished ones instead ;)

  4. I love your needle felted animals, Hannah! Both the cat and dog are adorable! xo Jennifer

  5. Es verdad que google es muy caprichoso y a veces irritante , pero también nos permite cosas como esta, que nos muestres tus bonitos animales. El caniche tiene una bonita estructura quedará perfecto cuando tenga sus orejas.

    1. Thanks Isabel! And you are right, we are lucky to have Google too, so we can write and read each others blogs =)

  6. Tus animalitos son adorables, me encanta la perrita blanca!!
    Los problemas con google+ creo que los tenemos todos, yo quiero borrarme pero no puedo.

  7. I had the same problems with Google when I tried to change my email because of spam. Now I have two gmail addresses and can't use the new one. Fortunately I stayed away from google+ because I couldn't understand it.

    I like your dog and cat! :)

    1. Thanks Susan!
      Did you manage to change the email on the blogger account, I noticed if I added the new email as a guest writer I could later make that email administrator =) Hope you get to use the email address you like in the future!

  8. I'm sorry about your Google troubles. I have had issues with it as well. Many of the blogs I follow do not show me as a follower because of the connection (or disconnection) between G+ and the blogger profile. The whole think stinks :( Ok..on to your minis....I love them! The poodle is so cute. Your needle felt work is really progressing. I can see your skill at it getting better and better with each piece. Keep up the good work Hannah, and please keep sharing these adorable pictures. :)
    Stay well,

    1. Thanks Lisa! I thought of that too, yesterday I was looking at some of my earliest work and saw that I was actually making progress =) It was a nice discovery! =)

  9. Ehh google has its ups and downs but I only use it for miniatures so my real life and hobby and separated ;)

    Your animals look soft and lovely! I look forward to seeing a big batch ;)

    1. Thanks Jane, I look forward on the big batch too ;) Right now I only have a small batch... I would love to have at least twice as many.. But time flies.. =)

  10. Oh your poodle dog is so wonderful, so sweet. So well done.

  11. Your fur animals look great, Hannah! And yes, it's hard to keep in charge and control of things on the internet :-(

    1. Thank you Liduina! Nice to hear from you again =) Hope you are feeling well!
      It seem internet has its own life sometimes, I hope I will gain more control over my account soon again =)

  12. they are so cute :) and I hate google too they always change things...I'd like to go to their office and change things then lets see how well they do their work :)


    1. Thanks Marisa! Haha, their office might be a mess already, that's why we have so many problems ;)

  13. Your animals are so cute!!! As for Google....I think not even the guys in Google really know how things work!! It's all so complicated and as some others did I got rid of Google Plus too. There is an option somewhere on your Google account where you can untick the use of Google Plus....I hate it, it only makes things more complicated. Anyway, I'm sure by now you have solved your problem!

    1. Thanks Simona! I decided to delete google + and then my life got easier =)


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