I haven't only been growing vegetables this year. =) My belly is growing too, or, first I lost 3kg, but still I look a bit swollen around the waist.. I have been so tired and feeling very sick, ever since January. I use to be able to stay up all night, I'm at my best on the evenings, but now, I have to go to sleep quick.. I'd fall a sleep standing if I don't go to bed.
Some days I feel really sick, especially since I have lost weight and throw up almost every day for several months.. But they always tell me pregnancy is not an illness =) I did throw up and lose weight last pregnancy too, in the beginning. The feeling sick, seem to stay with me longer than usual this time too.. And morning sickness?! more like all day sickness...
I still feel sick at evenings and throw up every now and then, but since two weeks now I actually gain weight again, soon I'll be at normal weight again =)
Feels unbelievable to be waiting for another baby. My little girl, who is already 3 years old is looking forward on being a big sister. She loves talking to the baby and look at my belly.
I thought I could sit and read blogs and do a lot of miniatures before the baby arrives, but I'm just so tired all the time.. too tired to read.. So now you know why I'm so far behind on my blog reading this year.. But I'm hoping I'll have a bit more energy now that the sun comes out more often, and being in the second trimester now.
The baby is expected in October, so I wont be able to attend
Stockholm miniature show 11/11 this year. But I'm looking forward on another year, hopefully I will be able to make a few new minis before the baby arrives, we'll have to see what my back and shoulders will allow.. I'm already suffering from back pains, I don't want to think of how I will feel later when I get bigger.. =)
In Sweden we get one ultrasound, in week 18-19. (Mine was yesterday) And I wanted to wait for that before I said anything here on the blog. If everything keep looking good I wont do any more ultrasounds, so next time I'll see my baby is on the delivery. We are all very excited.
Talking about growing, I was jumping of joy yesterday morning when I found 6 small green cherry tomatoes =) I just love vegetables, it's so exciting watching them grow! Like a baby =)
Skandinavisk design i dockskåpet -Yvette Wadsted, Ulf Beckman, Michel Hjorth (foto) Arvinius Förlag ISBN: 9789185689477 |
I have also been "growing", I got one year older again, and got this lovely book from my mum. LOTS of pictures of Lundby, Brio and Micki dollhouses. Great book. There is an English version of this book too, for all that doesn't read Swedish =)
Here you can have a sneak peak inside the book:
At page 226 you can see my Brio Alphyddan house =)
And then this magazine came in the mail! Great magazine! They had a prize guide too, quite exciting to look at, 3 of my houses were valued higher than I thought, nice to know =)
Soon I hope to show you some clay work, I have been eager to work with clay again, but I can't sit still to long without getting back pains, so I do a little now and then, and then I have to get up moving =) If you have a great tip on what miniatures I could do walking around, let me know ;)
Take care