
Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Time for clay again

I never give any new years resolutions, but reading Birgits blog, about her changes, I thought I might do some changes to my life too =) 
I've decided to have computer free Sundays, to spend more time with family and do other things, this also made me not so active on other blogs, I read blogs every now and then, but I haven't been making much comments lately, but I love doing it, so I hope to get more time for it soon =) And to be able to read all blogs I want to, but there are so many great blogs out there =) Sorry if I have missed yours lately!

I also tried making some new critters, but that was hard. I realized I'm no good at sculpting =( but I hope the bad sculpting will be hidden under the wool.. And I might just have to keep trying, to get better, but I have too little time and patience for that right now.. My patience are really bad right now..
I have always loved clay, but lately I haven't had much time for it, and I loose my temper with it all the time now =) I will take a deep breath and start over again =)

I tried making a cat that is supposed to look a bit spooked, he didn't turn out the way I wanted, the body is a bit off and the head looks a bit small. But I'm making a new one right now, hopefully I learned something the first time =) One cat will move in to my witch in the Fantasy roombox =)

Sorry for this negative post, I'll try to keep it more happy next time =) I still have a lot of dolls to show you =) (and I have a few more animals to put fur on too)
But first the cat:

 He is lurking around on my workspace =)

And got spooked in my dollhouse, he most have seen the mess, that didn't get on camera =)

Addition to this post:
Hobbyrian has started a new webshop, with clay for good prices, for us Scandinaviens! Check it out =) I just made an order myself =)

Take care


  1. Dear Hannah,
    The cat looks good. I wish you get your enthousiasme back.
    Hugs Dorien

    1. Thanks Dorien. I hope I'll get it back soon, but I guess life (and creativity) has it ups and downs..

  2. Симпатичный кот! Вы правы, что эта работа требует большого терпения!

  3. Bonito gato!!!!
    Hannah , creo como tú que lo mas importante es aprender cada día y pasarlo bien

    1. Thank you Isabel. Yes we can learn new things every day, I just need to be more patience =)

  4. Cute scene with the cat. It looks good! I admire you for saying that blogs will take a back seat for you. For the longest time now, I've kept up with the blogs, but I've had no time for my own creativity. :-( I've quit doing miniature swaps, mostly, and that has freed up some time, and I've stopped following many blogs, but still I'm finding it very difficult to have time for my own creative projects. I wish you luck with more family time. xo Jennifer

    1. Thanks Jennifer. Blogs are so much fun, like swaps and selling minis to wonderful people, but it takes so much time.. Hope you get more time for your own creativity too! I'm thinking of maybe take a small break, and then I might be back, more enthusiastic and creative =) But I can never stay away from minis too long, but a small break now and then could be good for me =)

    2. Yes, I've been on a small break from posting for two months! LOL I'm starting to miss the posting, so hopefully I'll find some time for it soon! Just don't stay gone forever, OK? I'd miss you too much! xo Jennifer

  5. I think the cat looks good. It looks better than many I have seen offered for sale on Ebay.

    1. Thank you Penelope! I will keep trying to get better, but I guess it's best not to try too hard, then I just get bored =) But it's nice to hear that you all think I'm doing something right =)

  6. I think your kitty is awesome hon, dont doubt yourself!

    Sculpting like al things goes through a progression you learn each time you do it, you learn what works for techniques etc.. Gotta start somewhere!

    Just create..have fun and breathe!

    1. Thanks J! Don't doubt, hm.. how do one do that?! =)
      I'll try both to get better and better, and to have more self-confidence and more patience, I have a lot to work on ;)

      You are right, I learn something each time I try. And guess what my favourite tool is right now?! Yes, that "stick" I got from you! =) Perfect for smoothing edges and make eye-holes =)

  7. Your kitten looks adorable, Hannah, and yes, you'll need all your patience for this job ;). I love how he is walking around on your workspace :D!
    Hugs, Ilona

    1. Thanks Ilona. I have been lacking patience in many things in life right now, I could need some hot chocolate and just relax a bit, or a gingerbread cookie, to make me all nice again =) (At least that's what we say in Sweden, gingerbread cookies makes you nice)

  8. Your spooky cat turned out to be awesome... and I mean it. It's your first attempt to make a cat this way and you got a lovely, funny, unique cat that it undoubtedly a cat - what more can you ask for? ;O)


    1. Thank you Birgit! Hm, what more can I ask for.. I have to ask myself that, instead of dreaming of perfection =)

  9. I love your cat he is so cute. I think you are being too hard on yourself you are doing fantastic work. Make sure that you enjoy what you are doing and have fun. You are very talented and everyone needs are break now and then :)
    Hugs Maria

    1. Thanks Maria. I'm my own worst critic. It's a difficult balance between pushing myself to get better and pushing myself too hard so I loose the fun in it. Have to work on finding that balance =)

  10. Te ha quedado muy bonito el gato, es un trabajo estupendo y de mucha paciencia. Felicidades por el!!
    Besitos y buen fin de semana

    1. Thank you Isabel! And hope your having a nice weekend too!

  11. I think it's a wonderful idea to have a no computer day once a week! My weekends are usually away from the computer unless I can stay awake long to write on my blog once the baby sleeps. I applaud your decision to spend more time with the family! It's fun to blog but it's also important to be with your loved ones :)

    I think you are much more patient than I am! I could never do clay. I have no such skills either! Good luck with learning new ways to work the clay!

    1. I "allow" myself to check the mail on the phone on Sunday too, but no longer times =) It feels good to do other things than get stuck at the computer, because that's what happens to me a lot =) I get stuck in front of the computer and forget about both cleaning and playing =)

      I try to be patient with clay, because I like doing it, but lately I'm just stressed all the time, no good mood to do clay... But life is up and down, and I might be more in the mood for clay another week =)
      I was happy to see you got some painting skills, than might be your way to be creative =) (paint backgrounds and take wonderful pictures =) ) You can say you are an amateur, but I have to say you are one great amateur =) Hope to see more paintwork soon =)


Thanks for reading, I love to read your comments =)